While every divorce is different, almost every case causes some degree of upset and upheaval. it can be hard to know where to turn, and while seeking professional legal advice is crucial, the signposted resources below can offer general assistance on topics such as legal rights, child custody, financial matters, and emotional support – helping fathers access the information they need to navigate their divorce journey more effectively.
Families Need Fathers (FNF): FNF is a UK charity that offers support and advice for parents, both mothers and fathers, who are experiencing difficulties following family breakdown and divorce. They provide a helpline, local support groups, and information on legal rights.
Get support at: https://fnf.org.uk/
Separated Dads: This site offers help, advice and support for separated fathers – from emotional to legal issues. You’ll find case studies, financial resources, communication advice and much more besides.
Get support at: https://www.separateddads.co.uk
Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB): CAB is a network of independent charities that offer free, confidential advice on various legal and practical issues, including divorce. They can provide guidance on divorce proceedings, child custody, and financial matters.
Get support at: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/
National Family Mediation (NFM): NFM is an organization that promotes mediation as an alternative to going to court for resolving family disputes, including divorce. Mediation can help parents reach mutually agreed-upon solutions, especially regarding children and finances.
Get support at: https://www.nfm.org.uk/
Rights of Women: While their focus is primarily on women, they offer some guidance that may be relevant to fathers as well. This organisation provides free legal advice and information for women on a range of issues, including family law and divorce
Get support at: https://rightsofwomen.org.uk/
Gingerbread: Although Gingerbread primarily focuses on supporting single parents, their resources and forums can provide valuable insights and support for dads going through divorce. They offer information on legal rights, financial advice, and emotional support.
Get support at: https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/
In summary, going through a divorce can be a difficult time for anyone, and it can be particularly challenging for dads. However, organisations such as Families Need Fathers (FNF), Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB), National Family Mediation (NFM), Rights of Women, and Gingerbread can be a huge help to fathers\ in need of support. While these resources can provide guidance, it is important to consult with a qualified legal professional to receive personalized advice based on individual circumstances.
Photo by @invadingkingdom on Unsplash